THE WILD CAT AUTHOR: TAANYA SARMA PUBLISHER: INVINCIBLE PUBLISHERS GENRE: EROTIC THRILLER PUBLICATION DATE: 21st DECEMBER, 2017 FORMAT: PAPERBACK PAGES COUNT: 282 GOODREADS RATING: 4.25/5 MY RATING: 3.5/5 BLURB: (Taken from Amazon) Based on true events, this erotic thriller novel tells the tale of a young, naive woman named Tanya enters the online dating and chat world. Her first foray into this digital realm initially proves to be bland and disappointing; however, sex, suspense, power struggles, and attempted murder soon unfold. These unwelcome adventures interfere with her business and her sanity as she aspires to live up to her deceased parent’s standards. A conman named Sam ensnares Aaron, a handsome investment banker, into his ploy and uses him as a pawn to lure women into doing things they normally wouldn’t do. Sam then exposes their personal information as well as their images, sometimes in the act of cybersex, and posts them on ...